Monday, September 29, 2008

new songs. new band?

justin (the factory workers) came over the other day and we recorded some tracks. some new stuff, some old stuff, a song about batman, a flaming lips cover, a song about doing drugs in my dreams.

here's a demo of that one....


i don't know what i'll call it eventually, but i wrote a song the other day that i like quite a bit.


trevis has a new music myspace where he's posting some things.

james recorded three songs before he moved, once i'm done mixing them, i'll post some of them too.

i might or might not be forming a new band called skinwalker, i wasn't really planning on it, but i've got lots of new songs and there are some people that want to play, so we might book a few shows in a few months.

love/joshaway mum

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