Thursday, October 30, 2008

email from a friend i do programming work for...

"last night i saw this friend of james, he actually works for Ceylon solutions sister company 3 cube. His name is john and it was SO FUNNY… he started talking about bodisartha and I was like, you know josh? And he said yeah every time I’ve seen him he was tripping on acid. LOL and then I said yeah I’m his boss. And then he said “oh not josh thomas, josh brommas” LOL!!!! Trying not to get you fired. It was so hilarious .anyways it was a business meeting with the owner of Ceylon that’s a friend of mine and I guess he’s friends with john and for some reason piatt came up in the conversation before you did. He was talking about piatts dui thing. WHAT A SMALL WORLD!!!!

LOL I go to a friggin work meeting and everyone knows you!

Anyways john said that he was really sad that bodisartha and spidermums were no more.

I said me too and told him I went to almost every single gig you had except for the ones in Lawrence or out of town.

Hopefully you will be out playing again soon"

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